Pulse – The latest industry news, views and events from Quilter investors
For professional clients only.
Diversify and conquer
Over the last 30 years or more, while the ‘average’ retail investor has undoubtedly become more investment savvy, markets and fund strategies have taken a quantum leap in both size and sophistication. Our chief investment officer, Bambos Hambi, explains why private investors need to understand the need to diversify their savings.
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Join us
There's still time to register for our quarterly webcasts starting next week, where our portfolio managers will take a look at key events driving markets over the last quarter and outline what this means to investors.

Macro outlook – 19/4 at 11am
Monthly Income Portfolios – 21/4 at 1pm
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Between the lines
Read between the lines for the latest market news and share with your clients. This week’s edition includes: record high UK business optimism, French water giants €13bn merger and Air Canada’s C$5.9bn bailout deal.
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Quilter Market Explainer: One year on - how have markets adapted?
As vaccine rollouts around the globe move the world closer to a way out of the coronavirus pandemic, how have markets reacted and adapted to the unprecedented events of the past year. Which regions and sectors have been the winners (and losers) of the year of the lockdown, and what does it all mean for investors going forward?

Join us to hear Quilter experts discuss how the lessons learned in the past year could help navigate markets going forward.
Thursday, 15 April 2021
2:00PM BST
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Quilter Investors

020 7167 3700